GA NPC Trainer’s Cup Challenge for 2021


The Georgia NPC is pleased to announce the 2021 Inaugural Georgia NPC Trainer’s Cup.

This is a yearly challenge contest for Trainers and their Competitors’ participating in GA NPC shows as well as National Pro Qualifiers for that calendar year.

For this year the challenge will start on Feb. 1st and points will be earned through November 1st 2021.

The award will be presented at the Lee Haney Games show on November 2021.

For the following years points will accumulate from the Lee Haney Games Show that year till just prior to the date of the following year’s Lee Haney Games.

Points will be awarded as such:

  • 1 point for each entry into a GA NPC show (True Novice awarded 2 points)
  • 3 points if the competitor wins the class (True Novice awarded 6 points)
  • 5 points if they are the “Overall” winner for the Open Class (True Novice awarded 10 points)
  • 10 points if they win their Pro Card at a National Pro Qualifier Event 


  • Competitor must name their trainer or team at time of entry
  • Trainers and Teams cannot register athletes
  • Trainers must be based in Georgia
  • Trainers as well as athletes must have current NPC membership for said year


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